Thursday, October 08, 2009

Hyderabad : The wired city

Everywhere you go in Hyderabad you will see wires hanging like garlands between the street light poles. People have even died due to wires snapping and falling on the roads. Yet nothing is being done about it. What are these wires ? I assume most of them are for cable TV, Broadband, Telephone.... not sure if there is anything else to be added to this list. I get this feeling sometimes to take a big scissors and cut through these wires and clean it all up. That would be such a thrill :-). We would then have a cleaner safer city.

I took this photo this morning while comingto work.

You do what you are

In the 2001 movie Along came a spider, there is an interesting quote by Morgan Freeman where he says "You do what you are" and the...