Do you want to start an organization in India? If yes, read this article to find out all the stuff you have to do to create a legal organization. Don't let this article scare you into thinking that it is too hard you do not need to do all of it right at the begining.
Starting Business in India – Simplified step-by-step process
Cute article (written by an adult in a child's tone) about why toddlers should not have nap times.
Public Service Announcement
You do what you are
In the 2001 movie Along came a spider, there is an interesting quote by Morgan Freeman where he says "You do what you are" and the...

Today my guest post appeared on . I wrote about 9 Tips to Start Blogging Successfully . Let me give you a bit of a background...
You can get an encumbrance certificate online in AP now. In order to get it you have to perform the following steps. Go to the website http:...
This is a repost of the article I published on the 10th of Jan, 2008 as I have added a new ground - Lahari Resorts. View Larger Map In this ...
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